Currently looking for a Data Scientist/Postgrad Research/ML/NLP/+ position!
Check my CV!
Lucas L. Azevedo
A short bio.

6 Portmore Apartments
Spanish Arch
Galway, Co.Galway - Ireland
I hold a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Federal University of Ceara (2009-13)from where I have also started an M.Sc. in Machine Learning (2015). During my bachelors, I was granted a sponsored exchange program to University of Kansas (2012-2013) where my interest in Artificial Intelligence was nourished as well as my proficiency in English. At the start of 2016, I was offered a PhD Candidate position at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics and moved to Ireland before finishing the M.Sc. program I had partially completed.
During my academic career, I worked in different research groups, some of them are ARIDA, ParGO and DSI on quite various fields of graph theory, natural language processing and both relational and graph databases.
As a multidisciplinary explorer, my research experiences and academic background lie at the junction of Machine Learning, Data Science and Natural Language Processing. I am also interested in applied mathematics, less-resourced languages processing and particularly, etymology.
On my personal side, I have a great interest in knowledge about languages, currently learning Italian, after having obtained advanced level on French, English, Spanish and Portuguese(native). Back in 2000, I have been exposed to my first non-native language, by living in Argentina for a year while I was only 8 years old. I am convinced that this experience affected the way my brain reasoning over symbols and signifiers and provided me with a facility to learn different idioms. During this period I was part of the cast of a popular Brazilian soap-opera that was live on television for 5 years, which also developed my confidence and communication skills from an early age.
In my spare time, I like playing the guitar (mainly Spanish guitar) and I have some of my favourite tunes on this amateur youtube channel. Finally, my combined interests in language, mythology and etymology feed from each other and apart from classics, I have lately been fascinated by the work of Neil Gaiman’s and Alan Moore’s books and graphic novels for their incredible amount of great references.
In addition to this web site, you can find information about me on various social networks which are linked at the bottom of this page.
My CV (last update March 2021)
Link to Lucas Azevedo’s CV.
Nov 23, 2021 | 🧮A peek into the fast inverse square root, by John Carmack. One of my favourite algorithms! |
May 6, 2021 | 📄Just got LUX’s paper accepted to ACL’21!! Check the preprint in the blogpost! |
Feb 7, 2020 | Creative Collab Limerick Interdisciplinary Event in Limerick! Check the full post! |
Nov 3, 2019 | Thoughts about EMNLP’19 and Hong Kong! |
Jan 28, 2019 | Got published in the national newspaper! 📰 Check the post! |
selected publications
- WWWTruth or lie: Automatically fact checking newsIn Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018 2018
- EMNLPVeritas annotator: Discovering the origin of a rumourIn Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Fact Extraction and VERification (FEVER) 2019
- ACLLUX (Linguistic aspects Under eXamination): Discourse Analysis for Automatic Fake News ClassificationIn Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021 2021